Go Advanced Admin Panel Documentation Help


The go-advanced-admin panel is designed to be highly configurable, allowing you to tailor it to your specific needs. This guide provides a comprehensive overview of all the configuration options available in the admin panel. You'll learn how to set up database connections, authentication, authorization, logging, templating, and manage static files.

Table of Contents


Configuring the admin panel correctly is crucial for ensuring that it works seamlessly with your application's requirements. The configuration is managed through the AdminConfig struct, which provides various options to customize the behavior and appearance of the admin panel.

AdminConfig Structure

The AdminConfig struct is the core of the configuration system. It includes several fields that allow you to customize different aspects of the admin panel.

type AdminConfig struct { Name string Prefix string Renderer TemplateRenderer AssetsPrefix string GroupPrefix string DefaultInstancesPerPage uint NavBarGenerators []NavBarGenerator UserFetcher UserFetchFunction LogStore logging.LogStore LogStoreLevel logging.LogStoreLevel }

Configuration Options


  • Type: string

  • Description: The name of your admin panel. This will be displayed in the UI, typically in the header or title.

  • Default: "Site Administration"


config := &admin.Config{ Name: "My Custom Admin Panel", }


  • Type: string

  • Description: The URL prefix for the admin panel routes. This allows you to mount the admin panel under a specific path.

  • Default: "admin"


config := &admin.Config{ Prefix: "dashboard", }

With this configuration, the admin panel will be accessible at /dashboard.


  • Type: TemplateRenderer

  • Description: Handles template rendering for the admin panel. You can use the default renderer or provide a custom one to change how templates are processed.

  • Default: NewDefaultTemplateRenderer()


renderer := NewCustomTemplateRenderer() config := &admin.Config{ Renderer: renderer, }


  • Type: string

  • Description: The URL prefix for static assets like CSS and JavaScript files.

  • Default: "admin-assets"


config := &admin.Config{ AssetsPrefix: "static-assets", }

Static files will be served from /static-assets.


  • Type: string

  • Description: An additional prefix that can be used if you're grouping multiple services under a common path.

  • Default: ""


config := &admin.Config{ GroupPrefix: "/api/v1", }

All admin routes will be prefixed with /api/v1.


  • Type: uint

  • Description: The default number of instances (records) to display per page in list views.

  • Default: 10


config := &admin.Config{ DefaultInstancesPerPage: 20, }
  • Type: []NavBarGenerator

  • Description: A slice of functions that generate navigation bar items. This allows you to customize the navigation bar dynamically based on the context.

  • Default: A set of default navigation items.


config := &admin.Config{ NavBarGenerators: []NavBarGenerator{ func(ctx interface{}) NavBarItem { return NavBarItem{Name: "Home", Link: "/"} }, func(ctx interface{}) NavBarItem { return NavBarItem{Name: "Profile", Link: "/profile"} }, }, }


  • Type: func(ctx interface{}) (userID interface{}, repr string, err error)

  • Description: A function used to fetch the current user's information from the context. This is essential for logging and permissions.

  • Default: nil


config := &admin.Config{ UserFetcher: func(ctx interface{}) (interface{}, string, error) { user, ok := ctx.(*User) if !ok { return nil, "", fmt.Errorf("invalid user context") } return user.ID, user.Username, nil }, }


  • Type: logging.LogStore

  • Description: Manages how logs are stored. You can use the default in-memory log store or implement a custom one.

  • Default: logging.NewInMemoryLogStore(100)


customLogStore := NewCustomLogStore() config := &admin.Config{ LogStore: customLogStore, }


  • Type: logging.LogStoreLevel

  • Description: Determines the verbosity level of logging. Higher levels include all lower levels.

  • Default: logging.LogStoreLevelPanelView

Available Levels:

  • logging.LogStoreLevelDelete

  • logging.LogStoreLevelCreate

  • logging.LogStoreLevelUpdate

  • logging.LogStoreLevelInstanceView

  • logging.LogStoreLevelListView

  • logging.LogStoreLevelPanelView


config := &admin.Config{ LogStoreLevel: logging.LogStoreLevelUpdate, }

With this configuration, logs for updates, deletes, and creates will be recorded.

Database Connection

While the database connection isn't directly configured within AdminConfig, it's essential to set up your ORM integrator correctly. The admin panel uses an ORM integrator to interact with your database models.

Example with GORM:

import ( "github.com/go-advanced-admin/admin" "github.com/go-advanced-admin/gorm-integrator" "gorm.io/gorm" ) func main() { db, err := gorm.Open(...) if err != nil { panic("failed to connect database") } ormIntegrator := gormIntegrator.New(db) panel, err := admin.NewPanel( ormIntegrator, webIntegrator, permissionChecker, nil, ) if err != nil { panic(err) } }


Authentication is managed through the UserFetcher function and the context provided by your web framework.

Setting Up UserFetcher:

config := &admin.Config{ UserFetcher: func(ctx interface{}) (interface{}, string, error) { requestContext, ok := ctx.(YourRequestContextType) if !ok { return nil, "", fmt.Errorf("invalid context type") } user := requestContext.User if user == nil { return nil, "", fmt.Errorf("user not authenticated") } return user.ID, user.Username, nil }, }

This function extracts the user information from the request context, which is then used for permissions and logging.


Authorization is handled by implementing the PermissionFunc, which checks if a user has the necessary permissions to perform certain actions.

For more information on the permission checker, please check out the Permissions Guide.

Example Permission Checker:

permissionChecker := func( req admin.PermissionRequest, ctx interface{}, ) (bool, error) { userID, _, err := config.UserFetcher(ctx) if err != nil { return false, err } // Implement your permission logic here if userID == nil { return false, nil } // For simplicity, allow all actions return true, nil }

Registering the Permission Checker:

panel, err := admin.NewPanel( ormIntegrator, webIntegrator, permissionChecker, config, )


Configuring the Log Store Level

The LogStoreLevel determines what actions are logged.


config := &admin.Config{ LogStoreLevel: logging.LogStoreLevelCreate, }

This will log all create actions and any actions with a higher priority.

Configuring the Log Store

You can use the default in-memory log store or implement a custom one.

For more information on this, please check out the Logging Guide.

Using the Default Log Store:

config := &admin.Config{ LogStore: logging.NewInMemoryLogStore(100), }

Implementing a Custom Log Store:

type CustomLogStore struct { // Your implementation } func (cls *CustomLogStore) InsertLogEntry( logEntry *logging.LogEntry, ) error { // Handle log insertion } func (cls *CustomLogStore) GetLogEntry(id interface{}) (*logging.LogEntry, error) { // Retrieve a single log entry } func (cls *CustomLogStore) GetLogEntries() ([]*logging.LogEntry, error) { // Retrieve all log entries }

Registering the Custom Log Store:

customLogStore := &CustomLogStore{} config := &admin.Config{ LogStore: customLogStore, }


The admin panel uses a TemplateRenderer to render HTML templates. You can customize this to change the look and feel of the admin panel.

For more information on this, please check out the Template Rendering Guide and the Templates Guide.

Using the Default Renderer

The default renderer uses Go's html/template package.

config := &admin.Config{ Renderer: admin.NewDefaultTemplateRenderer(), }

Implementing a Custom Renderer

type CustomTemplateRenderer struct { // Your implementation } func (ctr *CustomTemplateRenderer) RenderTemplate( name string, data map[string]interface{}, ) (string, error) { // Custom rendering logic } config := &admin.Config{ Renderer: &CustomTemplateRenderer{}, }

Static Files

Static files like CSS and JavaScript are served from the path specified by AssetsPrefix.

Configuring AssetsPrefix

config := &admin.Config{ AssetsPrefix: "assets", }

Static files will now be served from /assets.

Serving Custom Static Files

If you have custom static files, ensure that your web framework is configured to serve them from the AssetsPrefix path.

Default Configuration

If you don't provide a custom configuration, the admin panel uses the DefaultAdminConfig:

var DefaultAdminConfig = &admin.Config{ Name: "Site Administration", Prefix: "admin", Renderer: admin.NewDefaultTemplateRenderer(), AssetsPrefix: "admin-assets", GroupPrefix: "", DefaultInstancesPerPage: 10, NavBarGenerators: defaultNavBarGenerators, UserFetcher: nil, LogStore: logging.NewInMemoryLogStore(100), LogStoreLevel: logging.LogStoreLevelPanelView, }

This default configuration sets up the admin panel with sensible defaults, but you can override any of these settings by providing your own configuration.

Next Steps


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Thank you for using go-advanced-admin!

Last modified: 07 October 2024